Monday, November 5, 2007


A lot of corporations ask for over 5 years of experience to qualify for a position that any monkey can fill. What's up with that? It's not that I don't have the experience but if I were the "boss", I would hire younger professionals to get the job done than shell the money on experience.

Couple of things that matter the most for any position (and in life):

1. Zeal/passion to get the job done.
2. Willingness to work hard
3. Be a constant learner
4. Ability to grasp concepts
5. Vision
6. Willingness to help-out and mentor

Good tech-leads is all the experience you need on any project. I can't believe how much money and time is wasted on design and on all the red-tape that is associated with a project these days. Give me a good-tech lead and 3 good developers that can gel as a team, I will maximize your returns. :)

The only problem that I've seen with kids in the 20s is that they might party during the week and come in with a hang-over but otherwise, they're fresh with ideas and are a lot more fun to work with than Generation Xers.

Go get 'em Gen Y.



Anonymous said...

I second that!

MS said...

I third it, if there is anything like that. HHAAHAh
I agree with you..