Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I'm hooked!

I love my blog already. I guess it's quite challenging to assemble your thoughts and express them clearly and precisely. I've come to the realization that blogging and talking to someone are two different things. I can definitely see what a writer's block can be like.

Since I don't really have anything specific to ramble about, I've decided to make a note of the philosophy that I live by (not entirely true). I might want to revisit this in the future. Maybe this will be something that I would want to program into the robots when they can pass for humans. Wait, we have that already... its called the Governor of California.

1. Simplicity is the key to success.
2. Be unattached. Would it matter if it's a golden shackle when it is holding you down? (will have to write another blog on Buddhism)
3. Change is a part of life; be prepared to roll with the punches.
4. Do not make any decisions when you are TOO emotional - be it angry, sad or happy for that matter.
5. Pay attention to detail and appreciate the simple things in life.
6. Live up to your own expectations.
7. Respect and Love your family and friends. They're priceless. (I need to work on this)
8. Don't let your mouth write checks that your ass can't cash (Pun intended).
9. Too much of heaven can bring you under-ground.
10. Money can only buy you so much.

I would definitely love to elaborate on a couple of these items in the near future. They are not arranged in any particular order. If you guys have some spare time, it would be interesting to see how you would order them.

I think I've rambled enough about philosophy. The next thing to do would be to put together a collection of quotable quotes. I always used to make a note of the good ones from Reader's Digest back in the day. Action item for some other time. Until then...


A little bit of Hi(s)tory

I've always wanted maintain a journal of my thoughts just so I can look back and have a good laugh but its been quite a challenge for one reason or the other.

As a kid in middle school, I maintained a journal and wrote down pretty much anything and everything that I could think of. Holding hands with a girl from school was a big deal then and it had to go down in the journal right?! Yes! it went down and took me down as well. My older brother and my cousin were such pranksters. The journal was with the girl from school the next day. Good times! So that put an end to part1.

Once I was in college, I used to play almost 6-8 hours of sports on a... (take a guess)... ummm... no... not on a weekly basis... on a daily basis. As a result, I didn't even have time to take notes in class, forget blogging. Those were definitely the golden days! No part 2.

After college, it was time to decide what I wanted to do with my life... so I made a decision... to go with the flow. There were on an average 60 students in the Chem. Engg program at my school of which almost 45 of them went to the U.S to pursue Masters. So, when I was in grad school, I had no time to blog and it was kinda gay (or nerdy) to maintain a journal... (before the days of google). No part 3 either.

Now that I am out of school and most of my friends are married, I find myself with all this free time (especially in the winters). There used to be days when my friends and I would get together and talk about a whole lot of things (or was it a whole lot of nothing?) all night. Not that the conversation was enlightening or anything but I just miss it.

Sometimes I feel like going back to school so I can meet some interesting people (maybe part-time). It is hard to make friends at work when you work for a corporation. No! I don't want to hear about your pet-dander! That's just the tip of the ice-berg. Don't get me started :)

So, in an effort to reach out to some cool peoples in the world, I've decided to be a little dramatiKal.

- Kal